Saturday, November 30, 2013

. coming back.

when shit just happened in your life,
you had 0 idea in reacting it
you left no choice but to stay slumber in reacting it
that's the best reaction isn't it?
eventually,you will know how to react towards it
you will start to feel emotional
you will cry out of nowhere
you just another walking dead that time
you soul slowly drifted away 
you are not you
you lost yourself in everything
it swallowing you bit by bit

this is the truth,the way i experienced.
Even it happened few years ago,but deep down you lost a piece
and you can't gain it back forever
 you found yourself sometimes, but you lost yourself most of the time

this silence surrounds me, thanks God, i became an observer
i've started to realize that i am that self pity all the way long

it's okay to be emotional,but not pitying own self all the time.
Get up and start working.

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